Model Code for neighbourhood design and the Queensland Housing Code

Model Code for neighbourhood design - a Code for reconfiguring a lot

The Model Code for neighbourhood design provisions have been developed to assist local government to address aspects of the Liveable communities state interest of the State Planning Policy 2017 (SPP) by providing a contemporary set of standards that can be used by local government to assist in integrating the state interest.

The Model Code for neighbourhood design (Model Code), was published in July 2019 and updated in August 2020. The Model Code provides a set of subdivision standards and promotes good urban design and attractive, safe, accessible and well-integrated neighbourhoods that support healthier communities.

Local governments have the option of adopting the model code into their planning scheme in whole or in part, or integrating components of the code into existing planning scheme codes, for example into an existing overlay or zone code.

This ensures local matters can be addressed and that there is no conflict or duplication with other parts of the planning scheme.

Statutory and regulatory context

The model code provisions are not applicable in development assessment, until they are integrated and adopted in a planning scheme.

Local Governments should consider the Planning Regulation assessment benchmarks when preparing a planning scheme or modifying the model code provisions.

The Planning Regulation 2017 (Planning Regulation) requires planning managers to comply with assessment benchmarks that ensure the reconfiguration supports convenient and comfortable walking for transport, recreation, leisure and exercise in the local area.

Local governments may exceed or have extra assessment benchmarks for the purpose of supporting convenient and comfortable walking for transport, recreation, leisure and exercise.

The model code and the Planning Regulation assessment benchmarks together provide direction about what is required to encourage healthier and more active communities across the state.

Queensland Housing Code

While our communities have a diverse range of housing needs, having up-to-date and fit-for-purpose rules for the design and siting of houses can save both time and money.

By having a single Queensland Housing Code local governments will have the ability to adopt a consistent approach to siting and design rules for standard housing under planning schemes.

The Queensland Housing Code will make it easier and cheaper to build new houses by providing a one-stop shop for building approvals, promoting efficient use of land, and improving amenity and privacy for residents.